Cars for Sale
Alvis Speed 25 SC Charlesworth saloon, year 1939. Colour maroon red combined with a tan (beige) leather interior.
This super original Alvis Speed 25 was imported to the Netherlands in September 1997. The car was never fully restored and kept as original as possible.
Only the front seats were given new leather about a decade ago. The last owner had the car technically and mechanically brought up to date to participate in long distance touring rallies. The car has seen most of Europe, parts of Russia and even Moscow.
The preparations included a better heating system and windscreen demister, servo power brakes and an improved cooling system. Recently a new aluminium cylinder head was fitted.
This Alvis Speed 25 SC is a particularly good driver car with a patina of about 80 years of experience. This delightful Charlesworth saloon should not be restored but enjoyed ‘as is’!